Frequently Asked Questions

List of topics

  • General

  • Residential utilities


  • What are the HOA’s business/office hours?
    Neither the HOA nor our community management company have office hour at Sweetwater. Please contact our manager for an appointment. Phone: 208-720-7778; Email:

Residential utilities

Please see our Community Resources page


  • How do I contact the board of directors?
    The management company serves as a liaison between residents and the Board, so the Community Manager will be the first point of contact for any situation. If applicable, the Community Manager will schedule the matter to be presented at the next Board meeting. If it is an urgent matter and cannot wait until the next Board meeting to be discussed, the Community Manager will contact the Board and discuss how they would best like to handle the situation.

  • How do I contact the Sweetwater community manager?
    Contact Pablo Hopfenbeck at PocketWater by phone or email. Phone: 208-720-7778; Email:

HOA membership

  • Do I have to be a member of the HOA?

  • What does the Homeowners Association do?

  • What is the Membership transfer fee?

  • How do I update my contact information?

  • What are CC&Rs?
    The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (aka the “Declaration” or “CC&Rs”) describes the rights and obligations of the membership to the association and the association to the membership. Only members can amend the CC&Rs.

    CC&Rs contain restrictions to real property and generally cover the following:

    • Restrictions on the use of property

    • Member and association maintenance duties

    • Enforcement powers

    • Lender protection provisions

    • Assessments obligations

    • Lien/collection rights

    • Duty to insure

    • Dispute resolution and attorneys’ fees provisions

  • What are Rules & Regulations?
    Just as legislators pass laws consistent with the constitution, boards may adopt operating rules consistent with the CC&Rs. An association’s rules and regulations typically cover, but are certainly not limited to:

    • Pets

    • Parking

    • Signs

    • Nuisances

    • Use of recreational facilities, etc.

  • What are Policies & Procedures?
    Policies and procedures include:
    • Financial management
    • Communication procedures

    • Architectural change process

    • Satellite dish installation

    • Unit rental

  • What are bylaws?
    The Bylaws establish policies and procedures that address the governance of an association and identify the types of association meetings, notice requirements and qualifications for the election of directors, including:

    • Number and term of office

    • Powers and duties

    • Appointment of officers

    • When and how meetings are held

    • Quorum and voting requirements

    • Appointment of committees, etc.

HOA Payments

  • What are Homeowners Association dues used for?

    Homeowners association dues are used to pay for the upkeep of your community's common elements and amenities.  Some common bills that are paid using your association dues are:  landscaping maintenance (mowing, blowing, raking, trimming), tree maintenance and removal, plant and grass irrigation, pool, security gate repair and maintenance, security guards, pest control, street maintenance (sweeping, fixing cracks, seal coating, slurry, replacement), roof repair and replacement, painting, dog waste stations, community communication, and so much more.

  • Who collects my HOA dues?

  • How do I contact Community Financials?

  • What payment options do I have?

  • How do I check my HOA account balance?

  • What happens if I don’t pay my HOA assessment (dues)?

    Paying your HOA dues in a timely manner is critical for the ongoing maintenance of your community.  Your community relies on your prompt payments to pay bills for landscaping, pools, gates, irrigation, pest control, street maintenance, capital improvements, and many other amenities.  While your association understands that sometimes residents will have a hard time making ends meet, we encourage you to prioritize HOA dues so you can continue to enjoy the amenities provided by your community.  The consequences of late payments are listed below, in order of severity.  To avoid these late payment penalties, please contact us to set up a payment plan.

    1.  You will receive delinquency notices in the mail.  These mailings will include descriptions of the consequences of continued non-payment

    2.  Late payment fees will be applied to your account.  The exact amount differs between communities, but will be included in the mailed notices

    3.  You will no longer be able to use community amenities like pools, spas, clubhouse, etc

    4.  Your account information may be sent to a lawyer or collections agency, which may affect your credit score

    5.  For large delinquency amounts, your association may pursue legal action to collect the funds, such as money judgements and wage garnishments

Community Safety

  • What can and can’t SCA do about criminal activity?

  • My car was towed. Now what?

  • Am I allowed to walk my pet without a leash?

    According to Hailey city law, all dogs must be leashed or xxxxx, or otherwise confined when outside the home, yard, or vehicle.  Using a leash is mainly for your pet's safety and security.  Also, the law protects the safety of other pets and people in the vicinity.  Please leash your dog whenever leaving your home or vehicle. 

  • How do I report a crime or suspicious activity happening in Sweetwater?

    Please report ALL criminal activity to local police, sheriff, or other applicable law enforcement division.  If this is an emergency, dial 911. Often, there are non-emergency phone numbers, or even websites, where less urgent criminal activity can be reported.  

Maintenance and changes

  • I have a maintenance issue with my property. Who do I contact?
    If the maintenance issue is with the exterior of your unit, please contact the Sweetwater community manager. If the maintenance issue is in the interior of your unit and not caused by the roof, windows, or doors, call a local services provider, such as a electrician, carpenter, or plumber. The HOA does not do interior maintenance. Our community manager can give you a referral to a specialist.

  • What changes can I make to my unit?

  • Can I install a screen door?

  • What should I know about snow plowing?

Community rules

Where can I get a copy of the SCA rules and regulations documents?

Where can I park my car?

Common shared amenities

  • How do I obtain a pool and/or gate key/fob

Unit Sale

  • Can I place a sale sign on my property?

Unit Rental

  • Who is responsible for a tenant’s or renters actions?

    The owner of the property is legally responsible for any property damage done by their tenants.  It is recommended that you include statements in your lease agreement about the following:

    1) Indicate that the security deposit can be used to pay for any property damage within the home or community caused by the tenant or the tenant's guests.

    2) The tenant will reimburse the owner for any property damage within the home or community, including damage done by tenant's guests.  

  • Can I rent my unit?

  • Can I rent my unit on a short-term basis?

  • Why do I have to register my rental unit with the HOA?

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